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Are You Eligible for NDIS?
We’ve made it easy for you to check your eligibility for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).
Simply go through the checklist below to see if you meet the requirements.
Step 1: Age Requirements
Question 1: Are you aged between 9 and 65?
Yes: Great! Proceed to the next question.
- If you're 65 or older, you must be under 65 to access the NDIS. You may be able to access other supports.
Step 2: Residency Requirements
Question 2: Are you an Australian citizen, permanent resident, or Protected Special Category Visa holder?
Yes: Continue to the next question.
No: The NDIS is only available to Australian citizens, Permanent Visa holders or Protected Special Category Visa holders.
Question 3: Do you live in Australia?
Yes: Move to the next question.
No: You must live in Australia to access the NDIS.
Step 3: Disability Requirements
Question 4: Do you have a disability caused by a permanent impairment?
Yes: Continue to the next question.
No: The NDIS is only available to people with permanent impairments, which could be intellectual, cognitive, neurological, sensory, physical, or psychosocial.
Question 5: Do you usually need disability-specific supports to complete daily life activities?
Yes: You may be eligible. Go to how to apply for NDIS.
No: Move to the next question.
Step 4: Early Intervention Requirements
Question 6: Do you need supports now to reduce your future need for support?
Yes: You may be eligible for early intervention. Find out how to apply.
No: Proceed to the next question.
Question 7: Do you need supports now for your family to build their skills to help you?
Yes: You may be eligible for early intervention. Go to how to apply for NDIS.
No: The NDIS may not be the best way to support you, but a local area coordinator can help you connect with other government and community supports.
How to Apply for NDIS
If you believe you're eligible for the NDIS, you can apply by following one of the methods below:
1. Contact Your Local NDIS Office or Partner
- You can call 1800 800 110 and ask for an NDIS Access Request Form to be mailed or emailed to you.
- Alternatively, you can reach out to your local NDIS office or local NDIS partner for support in the application process.
2. Download and Complete the Form
- Option 1: Download the NDIS Access Request Form (PDF 1MB) on your computer. Fill it out and then email it to enquiries@ndis.gov.au along with the required supporting information.
- Option 2: Download the form, print it, and mail it to: PO Box 700, Canberra, ACT 2601 with supporting information.
3. Get Support by Phone
If you need assistance with applying, call the NDIS on 1800 800 110. They will guide you through the application process and support you every step of the way.

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