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Australian Owned

Our Beginnings
Michael and Conrad, two childhood best mates from Bondi Australia co-founded Vamos Bikes in 2017. Their long lasting camaraderie dates back all the way to year 6. “Amigos por mucho tiempo!”
Growing up in Bondi the two spent their time getting around on busy public transport, borrowing cars with little options for parking or simply walking. Conrad remembers being hated by other bus goers when he would leave puddles from his wetsuit on the bus coming back from surfs at the beach. There had to be a better way!
Years went by and Conrad, initially hesitant of e-bikes, borrowed his Dad’s to ride to his final uni exam. After flying through Centennial Park atop his e-bike Conrad kicked himself once he arrived at his exam half an hour early. Why hadn’t he been using e-bikes all those years before? Sweaty bus rides and driving countless laps around the uni in search of a parking spot had always made for stressful starts to his day. Not to mention the costs involved. It was love at first e-bike ride.
Not long after this incredible revelation Conrad accidentally reversed over his Dad’s e-bike 😅. He urgently needed to find a replacement. Due to his Dad’s particularity the replacement bike needed to match the quality. However, it also had to be affordable for an unemployed, recently graduated, uni student.
The hunt was on!

Rolling Forward
Conrad set about looking for an e-bike to replace his dad’s. Most had very expensive price tags. Many were heinous looking. More fun, exciting, stylish e-bikes existed only overseas.
No wonder e-bikes weren’t too popular in Australia at this point.
Conrad called up his old buddy Michael. They decided it was time to get more Aussies on electric bikes. Everyone should be able to experience this truly awesome way to get around.
To get more Aussies onboard the e-bike revolution, they decided to design and manufacture exceptional quality e-bikes for the Aussie market. E-bikes built for everything and priced for everyone with everything a rider needs to get up and riding, thoughtfully designed for Aussie rider’s needs.
They started sampling e-bikes far and wide, across Australia and abroad. They gave them all thorough testing.
After three adventures around the Globe which saw them in all sorts of e-bike places (including North Korea, had to make sure to cover all the bases) the boys were ready to bring what they learned back to Australia.

Fast forward to today. The two lads run a team dedicated to providing exceptional e-bikes, made with leading component parts from the industry’s best around the globe. All designs and business operations are still in their hometown of Sydney, Australia.
Whether you’re looking for a better way to commute, some fun on the weekends, to scoot up to the shops or down to the beach, or just looking to get more active. There’s a style to Vamos Bike to suit everyone and every purpose – Daily Commuters, Cargo, Foldables, Performance, Cruisers & 3-Wheel Trikes...
It’s rumoured Conrad’s dad never did receive that replacement e-bike.
With 1000’s of happy Vamos Bikes customers throughout Australia, Michael and Conrad still strive for the same goal: providing stylish, comfortable, quality, durable e-bikes at affordable prices so more and more Aussies can leave their cars at home and ditch transport that rely on fossil fuels!
Hundreds of happy customers + 5-star reviews show that these two old chums really do care about making sure their customers are happy with the Vamos product.

Why the Word Vamos
If you didn't know already, "Vamos" means "let's go" in Spanish! Conrad loved to say this whenever it was time to move on to the next destination while traveling around South America. It was just before he co-founded Vamos Bikes, and thus the name stuck. However, the significance behind the name goes a bit deeper. Vamos chose the name "Vamos" to inspire action. LET'S GO towards a greener future and easier, better commuting.
"Vamos!" Travel from point A to point B in a more affordable, faster manner!
"Vamos!" Opt for a mode of transportation that has been proven to be better for your physical and mental well-being!
"Vamos!" Choose an eco-friendly way to travel that minimizes our carbon footprint.
How do you say ‘Vamos’? We’ve found out there’s a lot of different ways to pronounce our name.

Vamos Fundraising
At Vamos, we strive to meet the highest standards of social and environmental impact and encourage you to do what you can too.
Conrad and Michael are very much in the business of providing a product that they themself love and want customers to love as well. On top of this, it has always been a high priority for them to raise money for causes that mean a lot to them.
Through various initiatives over the years the team has helped raise over $40K for Beyond Blue.
In October 2022 Conrad rode his Vamos El Diablo from Fremantle (Perth) to Bondi (Sydney) in thongs.It raised money for the Australian Conservation Foundation and also showed how everyday Australians can change up their routine, morning commute, and lifestyles that rely on fossil-fuels. Vamos donated $10k to the ACF and reached just under $20K in further donations.
Perth To Bondi Adventure
In June, Indigenous artist Yarli Creative reached out the Vamos asking if the team could donate a bike to her father. He was recently homeless, lived rurally and had no means of transport. He couldn’t get into town for basic needs.
Vamos jumped at the chance to help.
To thank Vamos for the e-bike donation Yarli Creative put together an amazing t-shirt design. All sales for this shirt go to an incredible non for profit called Dardimunwurro who managed to take Yarlis dad off the street.
We also help support traditional makers of Bolgatanga, Ghana (Africa), their culture, and their families through the sale of their handmade wicker Bicycle Baskets.
Vamos is open to any fundraising suggestions don’t hesitate to reach out.
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